Miami Herald: Jared Kushner’s brother negotiating to buy Marlins. Marlins owner Loria considered for U.S. Ambassador to France

FEBRUARY 15, 2017 6:17 PM

When he’s not running his baseball team, Marlins owner Jeffrey Loria typically spends part of his summers visiting Europe in search of art. Loria could be spending a lot more time there if he ends up getting a coveted diplomatic job as U.S. ambassador to France. CLICK IMAGE for link to story.

The New York Post reported Wednesday that White House chief of staff Reince Priebus is pushing Loria for that post, which isn’t sitting well with the State Department.

According to the Post’s report, “Priebus has pushed — and won sign-offs — for Miami Marlins owner Jeff Loria to head to France, GOP activist Georgette Mosbacher to Luxembourg, financier Lew Eisenberg to Italy and hedge funder Duke Buchan to Spain.”

The White House and the Marlins declined to comment about the Post’s story, and Loria did not return calls.

The Post characterized the maneuverings as “a fight between the White House and State Department” in that Priebus is circumventing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in making those decisions.

“The list has led some at the State Department to worry that Priebus has not properly vetted the diplomats-to-be,” the Post reported, which quoted one State Department official as saying, “The people Reince has put up are problematic as well.”

But it seems like most everything involving the Marlins of late has involved politics.

Loria, a New York art dealer who donated at least $125,000 to President Donald Trump during the campaign, is reportedly in talks to sell the team to a group that includes Joshua Kushner, the brother of Trump son-in-law and top adviser Jared Kushner.


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