The Daily Beast: The Truth About Trump’s Insane Ukraine ‘Server’ Conspiracy

The Daily Beast: The Truth About Trump’s Insane Ukraine ‘Server’ Conspiracy

By Peter Lance.  September 29th, 2019. In light of what Kevin Poulsen of The Daily Beast calls “Trump’s Insane Ukraine ‘Server’ Conspiracy,” I’m reposting my piece for  The Huffington Post on the President’s continued use of what Josef Goebbels called “The Big Lie.”      January 15th, 2017.  It’s been a month since we launched dedicated to curating the best reporting on […]

NYT: ‘Alternative Facts’ and the Costs of Trump-Branded Reality. New York Times column footnotes falsehoods by Pres. & Press Sec.

NYT: ‘Alternative Facts’ and the Costs of Trump-Branded Reality. New York Times column footnotes falsehoods by Pres. & Press Sec. editorial note: In what appears to be a new editorial policy for The New York Times, Media Columnist Jim Rutenberg’s piece below contains two footnotes setting the record straight about falsehoods told by President Trump and his Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Saturday. CLICK IMAGE for link to column:  Jim Rutenberg MEDIATOR JAN. 22, 2017 When Donald […]

CNN: Bob Woodward who Trump thanked for calling dossier “garbage” on FoxNews, says CNN got the story “exactly right”

CNN: Bob Woodward who Trump thanked for calling dossier “garbage” on FoxNews, says CNN got the story “exactly right”

By Melissa Mahtani, CNN Updated 2:35 PM ET, Tue January 17, 2017 (CNN) Legendary journalist Bob Woodward said that CNN’s reporting on a summary of classified information presented to Donald Trump was “exactly right” and it “clearly is news” that intelligence chiefs presented the information to the President-elect. The classified documents presented last week to President Barack […]

NYT: As Trump Berates News Media, a New Strategy Is Needed to Cover Him

NYT: As Trump Berates News Media, a New Strategy Is Needed to Cover Him

Jim Rutenberg  MEDIATOR JAN. 12, 2017  Well, that sure escalated quickly. “That” was Donald J. Trump’s inaugural news conference as a duly elected United States president-to-be, in which he called BuzzFeed a “failing pile of garbage,” dismissed CNN as “fake news” and more or less told the whole lot of reporters at Trump Tower to […]